Innovation, efficiency, and safety can coexist when a team uses effective design controls. In this article, I apply modern design controls to a product I co-invented and commercialized in 2004 using lessons learned in 15 years.
I describe that product in
another article. This article helps you learn from my mistakes.
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Use design controls for innovation
/in Design and Manufacturing, Medical Devices /by jasonpartinThis article helps teams “design a pen” using design controls in a way that sparks innovation. I wrote it for the biotech or medical device industries but the concepts apply to any company that must share work among a team. We go from defining user needs to transferring design into manufacturing.
Medical Device Design Controls
/in Design and Manufacturing, Medical Devices /by jasonpartin5 minute read.
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The European MDR: learn from my mistakes
/in EU-MDR, Medical Devices /by jasonpartinThis article is to help you learn the MDR using a product I co-invented and commercialized in 2004, demonstrating how to apply modern MDR regulations. I describe that product in another article. This article helps you learn from my mistakes.
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Design Control: learn from my mistakes
/in Design and Manufacturing, Medical Devices /by jasonpartinRead more
Risk Management: learn from my mistakes
/in Medical Devices, Risk Management /by jasonpartinI describe that product in another article. This article helps you learn from my mistakes.
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You get what you give in Varanasi India
/in Uncategorized /by jasonpartinThe Lonely Planet guide to India, the gold-standard of travel guides, a bible for budget backpackers, and usually a kind voice encouraging you to travel without judgement, said this about Varanasi India:
Varanasi tested my patience, humor, and immune system more than anywhere in the world, yet remains one of my favorite memories of a trip across Nepal and India.
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Mindful meditation for pain relief
/in Meditation, Uncategorized /by jasonpartinMeditation and mindfulness reduce suffering from pain. The United States Veterans Administration advocates mindful awareness, a process each person must follow until finding what works for their unique situation. Many books and online resources are available to help your process; here’s what worked for me, I hope it helps you. Read more
Meditate on the Buddha’s final words
/in Meditation, Uncategorized /by jasonpartinRead more
Medical Devices: learn from my mistakes
/in Medical Devices /by jasonpartinThat sounds like a success, but years later I learned that our product caused pain and suffering for some patients and added useless healthcare costs to everyone.
In this article you can choose your adventure, choosing which you’d like to see addressed after 15 more years of experience in:
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Risk Control & Risk-Benefit
/in EU-MDR, Medical Devices, Risk Management /by jasonpartinThis article explains Risk / Benefit analysis and Risk Control methods using performances of Harry “The Hat” Anderson, a comedian, actor, and magician famous for visual humor.
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