Entries by jasonpartin

Make state of the art medical devices

7 minute read. The new European Union Medical Device Regulation will protect patient safety by requiring healthcare companies to make products that are “state of the art,” a term that’s easily misunderstood. This law is best explained with an example from cars,  comparing today’s state of the art with to the 1980’s television series Knight Rider, […]

Take this quiz to see if you’re ready for MDSAP

3 minute read, or a 12 minute quiz, if you’re ready. By January 2019, the Canadian government will require all companies selling medical devices in Canada to be certified under the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP). If you’re familiar with MDSAP, this article quizzes your knowledge of key concepts. If it’s new to you, read […]

The MDR big picture

7 minute read. Any company that wants to sell medical devices in the European Union must follow new EU Medical Device Regulations. These new regulations were motivated by EU citizens demanding safer healthcare. This article is the EU-MDR big picture with links to learn more.

Why I practice writing

Writing deepens my understanding of a topic, and can help other people. It’s a form of meditation, to see something clearly through concentration and analysis.