Entries by jasonpartin

Havana 3

“These [Baton Rouge Teamster] hoodlums make Marcello and the Mafia look pretty good.” “I won’t let Edward Partin and his gangster Teamsters run this state!” “[We’re going to arrest Partin] as soon as we get the evidence against him.” “Walter, get him out of my state. Now listen to what I am saying to you. […]

Havana 5

“We can report that Edward G. Partin has been under investigation by the New Orleans District Attorney’s Office in connection with the Kennedy Assassination investigation… based on an exclusive interview with an Assistant District Attorney in Jim Garrison’s office. We can report that Partin’s activities have been under scrutiny. In his words: “We know that […]

Havana 2

“We can report that Edward G. Partin has been under investigation by the New Orleans District Attorney’s Office in connection with the Kennedy Assassination investigation… based on an exclusive interview with an Assistant District Attorney in Jim Garrison’s office. We can report that Partin’s activities have been under scrutiny. In his words: “We know that […]

Havana 2

“Partin was a big tough-looking man with an extensive criminal record as a youth. Hoffa misjudged the man and thought that because he was big and tough and had a criminal record and was out on bail and was from Louisiana, the home states of Carlos Marcello, the man must have been a guy who […]

Havana 2

“Partin was a big tough-looking man with an extensive criminal record as a youth. Hoffa misjudged the man and thought that because he was big and tough and had a criminal record and was out on bail and was from Louisiana, the home states of Carlos Marcello, the man must have been a guy who […]


Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12

Havana 8

“The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The Committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy.” “The Warren Commission was, in fact, incorrect in concluding that Oswald and Ruby had […]