Entries by jasonpartin


Pig farming. If you don’t know what else to do for a living, try pig farming. If you treat pigs well, you’ll be happy. Coach


“Sometimes I wake up and I don’t know where I am. And I don’t talk to anybody. Sometimes a day. Sometimes a week. Can’t put it out of my mind.” – Rambo

Stevie Nicks

Like a heartbeat, drives you madIn the stillness of remembering what you hadAnd what you lostAnd what you hadAnd what you lost Fleetwood Mac, “Dreams”

Big Daddy

Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. – Yoda My dad was born in 1954 as the third of five children to Norma Jean Partin and Edward Grady Partin, whom everyone called Big Daddy. Norma Jean was a gorgeous, confident, well spoken […]


“What fools these mortals be!” Puck Whenever I’ve stayed up late with friends, pondering Life The Universe, and Everything, and we discuss big picture things, I say I can’t answer how to honor my father without first considering my PawPaw, Mr. James “Ed” White. He was my first foster father. James Edward “Ed” White was […]

A Partin History

My dad was born in 1954 as the third of five children to Norma Jean Partin and Edward Grady Partin. Norma Jean was a gorgeous, confident, well spoken redhead with dark brown eyes and a voluptuous figure. She was from Spring Hill, Louisiana, near Texarkana and the tri-state border of Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana. She […]

Wendy Partin

Do you have the patience to waitTill your mud settles and the water is clear?Can you remain unmovingTill the right action arises by itself? – Lao Tzu, maybe