Entries by jasonpartin

Edward Grady Partin

But then came the killing shot that was to nail me to the cross. Edward Grady Partin. And Life magazine once again was Robert Kenedy’s tool. He figured that, at long last, he was going to dust my ass and he wanted to set the public up to see what a great man he was […]

Stevie Nicks is Fine

Like a heartbeat, drives you madIn the stillness of remembering what you hadAnd what you lostAnd what you hadAnd what you lost Fleetwood Mac, “Dreams”

The Irishman

“Partin was a big tough-looking man with an extensive criminal record as a youth. Hoffa misjudged the man and thought that because he was big and tough and had a criminal record and was out on bail and was from Louisiana, the home states of Carlos Marcello, the man must have been a guy who […]

Youtube Twitter TikTok Facebook

What if one day, Youtube, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook merged, and because it’s one platform, You Twit Tok Face, everyone parroted and believed the same thing? Who’d be pulling the proverbial strings? A neighbor, probably high, and probably repeating something they saw online

Neighbor Carl

“And Kennedy made him a national hero,” my neighbor, Carleton summarized, “and that’s the only reason he didn’t go to jail for rape, murder, kidnapping, and, ironically, perjury? Just to get Hoffa?”